Comment by AlexWandell

Comment by AlexWandell 3 days ago

2 replies

Nice! Yeah, that's definitely modern enough. Do you know if it runs as a hypervisor in the Secure Enclave firmware? It seems like the processor itself is low-power enough that it might not have virtualization features.

mech422 3 days ago

This(1)(2) any good for ya?

"Genode's microkernel architecture, capability-based security, sandboxed device drivers, and virtual machines in a novel operating system for commodity PC hardware and the PinePhone. Sculpt is used as day-to-day OS by the Genode developers. "



saagarjha a day ago

I am pretty sure there is no hypervisor. I am pretty sure the processor supports EL2 but it doesn't get used for anything to my knowledge.