Comment by ScoobleDoodle

Comment by ScoobleDoodle 4 days ago

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I’ve been using a CPAP for 15 years. A few items I had to adjust when getting that suffocating feeling a few times:

1. When getting a new CPAP I had to reduce the pressure from 15 to 14 or 13 to mitigate the suffocating feeling. I still get my normal 0.5 events per hour while I’m use. I also got a different type of mouth and nose mask which may have contributed to needing to adjust the pressure.

2. I was trying to mitigate the colder air being distracting by enabling the humidifier and tube heater. With the humidifier level too high at 5 I got a suffocating feeling, reduced it down to 2 or 3 and the air was warmer while not feeling suffocating. 3. I also turned off the dynamic pressure on breathe out as the timing felt off and would cause a hitch in breathing, so I have just plain constant pressure.

The name of the game is tweaking and experimenting.