Comment by atotic

Comment by atotic 4 days ago

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My kid had sleep apnea. His problem was narrow nasal passages. He got EASE surgery from Dr. Kasey Lee when he was 14, and was completely cured. You get better results getting surgery while bones are still pliable. It was like a miracle, an outpatient procedure that changes your life.

After the surgery, he was finally able to get quality sleep, and his personality changed. Before the surgery he was super-intense, slightly ADHD, not doing great in school. All this went away after the surgery, he is just a regular bright kid now. We noticed changes in the first week, took about 2 years to find new normal. Before the surgery, we tried CPAP for a while, and it helped a bit.

My wife also had the same surgery. It helped, but did not completely cure her apnea.