Comment by mikaraento

Comment by mikaraento 4 days ago

2 replies

Things that have helped me:

- nose mask rather than full face mask

- nasal spray if my nose feels congested

- upping the pressure. In theory a professional is supposed to set your pressure but I do tweak mine. If the setting is not visible it's probably in a hidden menu - Google for how to enable it for your machine.

- sleeping pills

I hope you find a solution. Sleep apnea is terrible.

adrr 4 days ago

I’ve seen someone go from AHI of 15 to a 1 during at at-home sleep study and asked what they did differently, they said their nose was stuffy so they took some cold medicine/allergy before bed.

I wish at-home sleep tests didn’t require a physician to prescribe and review results. It would allow people to experiment with sleeping positions, snore guards and other methods to get their AHI down.

elric 4 days ago

Please don't recommend sleeping pills to people who have sleep apnea. They can make apneas worse.