a_wild_dandan 4 days ago

Hence their qualifier “rarity.”

  • JohnMakin 4 days ago

    But it’s not that rare in non-obese people, I think is the point. Obesity is certainly a risk factor.


    • david-gpu 4 days ago

      When I arrived at the sleep clinic with a BMI of 22, the first thing they told me was: there are lots of people with sleep apnea who have a healthy weight, including children.

      The notion that sleep apnea is generally caused by weight needs to die. People also conveniently forget that being woken up multiple times every hour causes weight gain, so often times being overweight is the consequence of sleep apnea rather than the cause.

      • elric 4 days ago

        Thanks, I'm usually the one who has to get on their soapbox to say this. I'm glad I'm not the only one anymore :-)