Comment by yumraj

Comment by yumraj 4 days ago

3 replies

There are no new sensors in 9 than in 8.

Different processor, battery life, etc sure..

Business reason is clear: they lost the oxygen sensor, so people hesitant to upgrade.

dangus 4 days ago

Different processor seems like a possible reason if they’re using new instructions.

Of course I’m not saying it doesn’t line up nicely with a business reason to incentivize upgrades.

MichaelZuo 4 days ago

Someone else claims the 9 has a better accelerometer… what’s your source that ‘there are no new sensors’?

MBCook 4 days ago

> Different processor, battery life, etc sure..

So there’s no way a better processor would be needed to get acceptable all night battery life and that could be the reason?

Sounds like you may have nailed exactly why they did it.