Comment by acomjean

Comment by acomjean 4 days ago

4 replies

My mom was a German / English technical translator in the US. At one point she said those Germans need to decide, English or German. I guess the French from time to time make French words for those with English roots.

Though the German word for cell phone, “handy” is pretty great.

CRConrad 6 hours ago

> Though the German word for cell phone, “handy” is pretty great.

But it sounds rather silly in the standard German pronounciation of "henndii".

ethbr1 4 days ago

The French are pretty serious about preventing linguistic hegemony and fund measures to slow/prevent it.

em-bee 4 days ago

as a native german, speaking english fluently it drives me nuts. i mean, "handy" is not even borrowed like "computer" but invented by germans as a pseudo-anglicism.

dylan604 4 days ago

But the English euphemism for "handy" would sure cause some confusion, and potential disappointment. Just like the 'merican slang "double fisted" takes a whole other meaning in the UK