Comment by zby

Comment by zby 4 days ago

1 reply

I am always looking for definitions of "reasoning". My theory is that if we find a good definition - then it will turn out that we can build systems that would combine fuzzy llm thinking with classical algorithms to solve "reasoning".

All the problems with llm not reasoning (like planning, counting letters or deductive inference) are easy for classical algos. There needs to be a way to split the thinking process into two parts and then execute each part on the appropriate model.

imtringued 4 days ago

Solving a decidable problem is a large subset of reasoning tasks. Counting is also a critical reasoning task, since it requires you to both understand natural numbers and the concept of distinct instances of objects belonging to a general category.

Two centuries ago there were no computers, everything had to be done by humans. Get to that level first before you whip out code.