Comment by nytesky

Comment by nytesky 4 days ago

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I have a pretty modest ACE score of 2, the stories here are something else.

I am curious is having both parents with mental health challenges the common scenario? My father was depressive alcoholic who never worked in my lifetime, and as an adult I think that was more impactful than I realized as a child. My mom just had a pretty severe eating disorder but was functional adult.

I turned out fine, maybe higher anxiety than most and way way too risk adverse in every facet of life, but have a happy family and steady work and such.

My sister though has had a lifetime of depression and eating disorders, and even though has advanced degrees is living on disability since her 30s. I wonder if she had a higher ACE score, perhaps with non family members or something.

Both of us were “gifted” and valedictorian of our small school, so up to college had very similar paths.