Comment by jay-barronville

Comment by jay-barronville 4 days ago

6 replies

I don’t think I understand what your issue is with them. They used an open-source project to visualize their data, were open about doing so, and cited the creator of the project.

What more did you want from them? (Genuine question.)

kristopolous 4 days ago

something within the interface that more clearly illustrates their product differentiation.

nullschool is obscure enough to the general audience that when I saw it there was an immediate red flag.

If only specialized scientists can see the difference between the sites, it's a presentation problem.

  • LewisJEllis 4 days ago

    The interface in question is the second link in the post. To get to the interface without any of the other relevant context, you would have to:

    - skip reading the post (which explains all of this)

    - skip the first link in the post (which explains all of this)

    - go straight to the second link in the post, to the interface

    - skip the "about" link in the interface (which explains all of this)

    • kristopolous 4 days ago

      Obviously nobody did that.

      The post has been edited.

      • kristjansson 4 days ago

        FWIW: I read this post contemporaneous with your first comments, and saw exactly the content that's there now.

  • rybosome 4 days ago

    I was able to determine what this is, and I’m not a specialized scientist. I merely exercised the discipline to read the post before reacting and commenting.