Comment by quantadev

Comment by quantadev 4 days ago

6 replies

I don't think you can claim you know what's happening internally when OpenAI processes a request. They are a competitive company and will lie for competitive reasons. Most people think Q-Star is doing multiple inferences to accomplish a single task, and that's what all the evidence suggests. Whatever Sam Altman says means absolutely nothing, but I don't think he's claimed they use only a single inference either.

whimsicalism 4 days ago

what is “all the evidence”? please share

  • quantadev 4 days ago

    I recommend getting on Twitter to follow closely the leading individuals in the field of AI, and also watch the leading Youtube channels dedicated to AI research.

    • whimsicalism 4 days ago

      can you link to one speculating about multiple inferences for their CoT? i am curious

      e: answer to my own question

      • quantadev 4 days ago

        So far it's been unanimous. Everyone I've heard talk about it believes Strawberry is mainly just CoT. I'm not saying they didn't fine tune a model too, I'm just saying I agree with most people that clever CoT is where most of the leap in capability seems to have come from.