Comment by koolala

Comment by koolala 4 days ago

7 replies

I'm hoping the singularity will coincide with a large-scale AI achieving simulated Earth consciousness. Human intelligence is only a spec compared to all the combined intelligence of nature.

xpe 4 days ago

What is "simulated Earth consciousness"?

  • salmonfamine 4 days ago

    All of this AGI/singularity stuff is quite literally science fiction, so it can be whatever OP wants it to be.

    • xpe 3 days ago

      The comment above seems too dismissive in my opinion. There is a lot of (credible and rational) (thinking and research) around what AGI might entail. There are also many interesting theories about consciousness that are worth considering. However, I don’t buy panpsychism nor notions of an “earth spirit”. Materialism works, best I can tell, and I’m not ready to throw it out. / I’m just asking for GP to explain.

    • koolala 3 days ago

      I have a specific idea in mind but this is true too :) AI = Imagination!

      • xpe 3 days ago

        What is your idea?

        • koolala 2 days ago

          A Large Language Model + A Large Earth-data Model merged into one. Like an image model mixed with a language model. It just needs a way to understand the pattern of Life like they appear to condense the patterns of language and thought.

  • koolala 3 days ago

    A merging of language consciousness like how LLMs act today combined with a new understanding of all the earth's natural life (not just human intelligence) so it could communicate a wholistic view of lifes complexities, beauty, and intelligence into all human languages.

    Large Language Model + Large Earth Model