Comment by javier123454321

Comment by javier123454321 4 days ago

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I am a huge fan of meditation, I've been practicing it for over a decade. I would like to extend an invitation to those that are interested to pursue the concept of this applet further to find a proper teacher rooted in a tested tradition.

There's this movement to reintroduce millenial traditions of mindfulness into our lives under the guise of modern secularism. I am not convinced that removing its original context is as wise as it's purported. So many old traditions focus on lineage for a reason, and it is something we're too quick to do away with in society.

Most meditation practices come along with a warning, that doing this type of work can lead to results that you need proper preparation for. At the very least you need proper intentionality, and doing them incorrectly can lead to neuroticism and in some cases breakdowns and dissociation.

Good luck with all your nothings.