Comment by simonebrunozzi

Comment by simonebrunozzi 4 days ago

2 replies

My ACE score is... Zero. I think it doesn't take into account other factors (e.g. being bullied at school, or being ridiculed by friends), as it focuses mostly on the family environment.

Anyway, it made me feel so lucky to go through the questions, and being able to always answer negatively. I felt so loved by my parents (more than what I already did).

I was gifted, for sure. I thought I had quite a hard childhood, but this puts things in perspective.

hughesjj 3 days ago

Totally agreed on the methodology concerns, looks like its trying to err on under reporting. ex all the questions specifying "an adult", which presumes there were adults to take care of you in the first place.

froh 3 days ago

feeling loved is wonderful. alas it may have been missing additional support. especially if the parents also didn't have certain support they didn't know about it and didn't give it, without guilt.

> What is childhood emotional neglect?

> According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), emotional neglect is the inability of a parent/caregiver to connect with or provide for a child’s emotional needs.

does this ring a bell?