Comment by mauvehaus

Comment by mauvehaus 4 days ago

1 reply

hledger has tooling to transform fairly arbitrary CSV into transactions it understands[0]. I haven't tried it yet, but after spending 4 hours over multiple days helping my SaaS bookkeeping company troubleshoot their bank connection problems[1], you can better believe I'm willing to put a little time in trying this out.

Every damn time I reconcile transactions I end up fighting their system that I can't see the workings of or fix myself. It's getting to the point where the juice isn't worth the squeeze. I'd sooner deal with the CSV myself given a half-way decent set of tools to do so.


[1] No, they weren't willing to refund me any money; this is "typical", in their words.

wrycoder 4 days ago

This is the big advantage of hledger. It has two ways of translating csv into journal form - one simple and one more complicated, but very flexible.

I find it best to have a separate journal for each downloaded account. I just include them into a master journal (along with a manual entry journal) and generate reports from that.

I also use git so I can roll back the latest import, if something goes wrong - but that hasn’t happened yet.