Comment by vasco

Comment by vasco 4 days ago

1 reply

I'm sure it brings Alexander the Great a lot of comfort knowing he is remembered. I say, enjoy life without optimizing for what happens after you're dead.

sim7c00 4 days ago

Though a little cold, you are correct. "fear is the mind killer", and fear of death or not being remembered is ultimately not a positive thing to hold on to whilst being alive.

With respect to DanBC, whom I did not have the pleasure of knowing very well, I am happy for him that he seems to be celebrated and loved widely - a clear sign of a good person (regardless of how valuable that ultimately might or might not be in the minds of outside observers like myself) who had a positive impact of those he touched throughout his life.

I wish all people who knew him all the best in processing this surely tough to swallow pill. Despite someone having a long-term illness, if you care a lot for someone, it is always seemingly unexpected for it to end. Dealing with a passing of a friend is always difficult, and I hope anyone who misses him, has people to share with good memories of him to process and deal with this in a good way.

May the joyful and kind memories of him serve as pillars of support for those who miss him, to move on and keep him in their hearts.