Comment by afpx

Comment by afpx 4 days ago

2 replies

Thank you for your kind and empathetic words. I’ll probably be ok. I’m medicated and my therapist and psychiatrist are aware of my ideation. I have a very supportive spouse. I live an upper middle class life. When my ideation moves into active planning is when I reach out for additional help. Honestly, I feel very fortunate.

foobarian 4 days ago

Did not have it nearly as bad as you but do struggle with similar issues on occasion, ultimately concluding I am fortunate and have a good situation now. But you know who I feel very bad for, is the coming generations. I feel like our age group has been so lucky to be around when the computer/internet revolution blew up. But it feels like it kinda settled down now, and there is no more easy access to it for bright young people. I hope I am wrong.

  • afpx 4 days ago

    I really worry about them. We had the opportunity to build an entire industry and get in early. There were few of us (because only us 'nerds' were into computers in the 90s). And, demand increased exponentially. But, the industry has matured, the market feels saturated now. We've pumped up STEM programs to the point where everyone is doing software. I want to know how I can give back.