Comment by marricks

Comment by marricks 4 days ago

6 replies

> but this is a disadvantage in a competitive landscape

Or it's a unique advantage because this stuff doesn't happen without good researches who may want:

1) Their name in scientific papers

2) They might actually care about the openess of AI

cubefox 4 days ago

So far it seems to be a disadvantage as DeepMind has fallen behind OpenAI, despite their size, and to some extent even behind Anthropic.

  • marricks 4 days ago

    They feel behind because they didn't have the smart guy with a new idea a few years back, and HE decided to work at a place which started as open.

    Playing catch up and trying to attract talent from the hot-new-thing OpenAI requires incentives beyond lots of money. I contend actually being open helps.

    I'm sure that's one reason Facebook has an open source model, scientists can care about ethics and could be attracted to openness.

    • michaelt 4 days ago

      > They feel behind because they didn't have the smart guy with a new idea a few years back, and HE decided to work at a place which started as open.

      The "Attention Is All You Need" guys all worked at Google. Google is where they are despite having the smart guys with a new idea a few years back.

      Of course, IMHO it wouldn't have have helped Google if they'd kept the transformer architecture secret. They'd have fumbled it because they didn't realise what they had.

      • zozbot234 4 days ago

        Didn't Google have the LaMDA model pretty early, which was even described as "sentient" at some point? That doesn't look "fumbled" to me.