Comment by Telemakhos

Comment by Telemakhos 4 days ago

2 replies

You should see what the major players (especially MS) do to iCalendar. The standard has been around since at least 2009, with the last update in 2016, but none of the major players implements the standard correctly, and most utterly fail on VTODO, I suspect on purpose because to-do lists are actually useful.

I can't decide whether the failure to implement iCalendar and OFX standards properly are examples of incompetence or malice, but I suspect the latter with an eye to vendor or bank lock-in.

toyg 4 days ago

Working on calendar software is boring, so the big players likely give it to interns and new recruits. Office suites are so last century.

I don't think things will improve unless we find a way to shame big companies in paying attention and playing nice to each other, like it was done for HTML standards (pre-Google's monopolization).

viraptor 4 days ago

I'll go with incompetence or lack of care. The issues I found were so bizarre/stupid, I would be worried for anyone who thought to make them on purpose.