Comment by brightball

Comment by brightball 4 days ago

4 replies

ACE seems to be 10 questions where you get a point for every yes, to assess childhood trauma.

A 10 is the max and a 0 is the min. Based on the questions, any score above 0 indicates some level of real trauma.

71bw 3 days ago

>any score above 0 indicates some level of real trauma

I got 1 with no trauma, but the questions vary significantly in "weight" and the one I went 'yes' on was alcoholism (and with no abuse or anything else, so it's definitely better than the questions like SA from a family member etc.)

MichaelZuo 4 days ago

Did you respond to the wrong comment?

My question was trying to expand on what the linked article already says.

  • brightball 4 days ago

    Perhaps I misread your comment?

    It looked like you were associating ACE with a gifted indication. My mistake.

    • MichaelZuo 4 days ago

      I wasn’t associating ‘ACE’ with anything, it’s the other way around…

      i.e. How do we know that anyone, associating any ‘ACE score’, with those far away from the average, is valid? as opposed to random conjecture?

      I have no opinions on whether any ‘association’ exists at all or not, but clearly at least a few dozen do, hence me asking the question.