Comment by mettamage

Comment by mettamage 4 days ago

2 replies

ACE of 3 after I started living with my grandparents. ACE of 8 if you include the first 2 years of my life.

I am doing mediocre:

Career: bad

Love life: fantastic

The rest: hardcore self-dev mode

I am an insomniac and it’s fucking up my life. The ability to hold down a job because of it is really hard, unless I do intellectually easy work, which programming isn’t for me.

I also had a horrible career start. I had top marks at my university but I didn’t know anything about hiring cycles. So I just chilled for a year and then had a rough time finding a job, took a job I didn’t want for the sake of it and then had a few patches of jobs that I didn’t feel fully okay with, except for my last job but then tech layoffs happened and interviewing became hard.

Some people say I should become a dating coach as opposed to a dev but I have no idea on how to do the marketing and sales for that. I currently feel tech is more sustainable.

It’s funny:

I taught people in 3 month coding bootcamps when I still was a CS student and they are more senior than me.

My friend that studied business doing no programming on the side is nowadays more senior than me.

I paid a career coach $5000 which is a lot on a yearly salary of $35000 (if I have a job), but it’s not helping. It’s probably in part because I am Dutch and he is better in the US market.

I feel it’s a cruel joke. I did all the “moves” to not launch a career at all.

I could use some help but I don’t exactly know what kind of help as my blind spots career-wise are big (otherwise I wouldn’t have overindexed on uni, 2 bachelors and 2 masters). It doesn’t help that I am immigrating to the US at some point (marriage) for my current job search in NL.

I am currently also in therapy in the diagnostic stage. I probably will be diagnosed as autistic (at 33+ of age) but the jury is still out, could also be adhd or both. I sought help for my insomnia.

I currently meditate 2 hours per day since 2 weeks ago. I don’t think I will ever stop that again. I can feel that it helps a lot, especially with executive functioning (prefrontal cortex - doing your tasks) and somewhat for sleep too.

lnsru 4 days ago

Best careers I know in person did the classmates through the connections of their (mostly wealthy) parents or partners. There is no silver bullet here. Coming from poverty means grinding twice hard as others and being open for weird opportunities.

klann89 2 days ago

Can I ask what apps you use to meditate? I am trying some app called Balance, but it isn't helping me