Comment by adastra22

Comment by adastra22 4 days ago

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ACE 5. I have been moderately successful in life and work, more so in the last few years, after I was treated for ADHD. Still have psychological issues to work through.

For me, the successes came from a combination of luck, and learning to make lemonade from the lemons life gives you. I was lucky to meet my wife in college, and even more lucky that she saw something in me, the confused and abandoned kid that I was. She filled in my weaknesses with her strengths, and I like to think that I had a similar effect on her.

I was the black sheep of the family, which drew me to entrepreneurism at an early age and made me not scared of taking risks. Either that or it was the toxoplasma. That's given me some moderate success in work and a comfortable life, but I don't feel fulfilled.