Comment by defrost

Comment by defrost 4 days ago

3 replies

It's true that they say that:

    The Long Now Foundation uses five-digit dates, the extra zero is to solve the deca-millennium bug which will come into effect in about 8,000 years.

but the truth is more subtle, love it or hate it the five digits are part of a campaign to encourage people to think about humans in timescales a tad longer than a few decades at most.

shultays 4 days ago

It just sounds like a way for people to try showing how smart they are while in reality it just adds confusion to completely irrelevant discussions, such as this one.

I think the campaign does opposite of what it says. Using 5 digits limits your dates to dates to a maximum of year 99999. While not giving a fuck, using the digits needed to represent a year, works for all years. No one is clamping their years to 4 digits when they say '2024', they are just using the necessary digits needed for that year

AStonesThrow 4 days ago

Someday we'll admit that Roman numerals were perfectly efficient, and the only reason we switched to decimal was because of that DCLXVI guy.

(As of A.D. MMXXIV)

sionisrecur 4 days ago

Why start counting 02024 years ago then? is pretty much a small scale arbitrary starting point. Humans have existed for longer than that, they could say we are in the year 300000.