Comment by dijit

Comment by dijit 4 days ago

3 replies

I'm fine, I'm CTO of a small game development studio/publisher in the south of Sweden.

I was born/raised in Coventry in the UK and I feel comfortable with the idea of never returning.

I find it hard to make friends, but that's a combination of being a migrant, being an adult and being considered "very intense" by many- I pour nearly all of my energy into work because on a subconscious level I am terrified of going back to those conditions. And the state of tech (and the gamedev industry) is giving me some generalised anxiety.

Truthfully, the way people talk about sysadmins and devops and SRE also worries me because that's my field of activity and people keep trying to kill off operations as a discipline...

Other than that, fine I think..

ACE 7.

P.S: that test was annoying because I hit the markers but someone worse off than me could hit the same markers and wind up with the same score. :\

Humorist2290 4 days ago

Fully agreed. The oversimplification of the scoring system feels deeply wrong.

  • bluesroo 3 days ago

    This test is actually fairly well validated. The purpose isn't to specifically diagnose your problems, it is to find the floor for how much trauma you may have experienced. Sure, some may have had parents under the influence occasionally while others witnessed heavy usage in front of them. The point is that even for the "light" case, that is a significant issue.

    Think of it as childhood trauma triage. It is a good first pass to help people understand their past and maybe help some people understand that their past is more traumatic than they realize.

    • Humorist2290 15 hours ago

      I don't doubt it's well validated, and the point of it also is clear. Based on the questions I could appreciate exactly your point -- people with some mixture of traumatic experiences will score higher, people without (or with fewer) will score lower. I imagine, as a total laymen in this field, the intended application is surveying large groups to focus resources, or perhaps as intake material.

      But sharing and comparing scores on an internet forum seems (to me, as a laymen) outside of the test's design purpose. Initially I thought I would share my experiences here, but like mentioned in other comments -- I just don't want to breathe life into any of that. I hope other people who participated in the discussion found catharsis at least.