Comment by acethrowaway

Comment by acethrowaway 4 days ago

1 reply

My ACE score is 2. I am extremely dissatisfied with my life. I wrote hundreds of words in a reply to this post and deleted them because no one cares.

My net worth is whatever. I need to manage money better but frankly bills haven't been a concern for long time. I live within my means and need to invest instead of holding cash.

I have few friends, and when I had a depressive episode a few months ago and told people? They all evaporated.

I'm convenient. Friendly, affable - yes. But not worth much else. Been a hard one for me but I just work now instead. The ROI works out better.

The people that live in my home notice me, and that's about it.

jireiR2r 4 days ago

I've felt that way, but I got past it by realizing this is kind of how most people are. It's hard to sustain generosity and compassion over the long term. They want to be that friend who sticks with you through thick and thin, but they've got their own shit to deal. It's not about you, so try not to take it personally. It's the human condition.