Comment by lain98

Comment by lain98 4 days ago

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ACE 6. I did good career wise, failure was just not an option to me so I worked hard. At school I was put into accelerated classes for gifted kids. But I feel like I could have done a lot better with more support at home. I see that people get points for diversity etc. in college or hiring, but there is no such support for people who suffer silently, and even if there was I have too much pride to let others know just for some brownie points. Life was particularly hard before I found employment, roughly from the age of 18 to 26. That was also the period when my mental health challenges were more difficult and I had not yet learned how to cope. I have not yet gotten any ‘treatment’ for mental health issues. I got some money after making some fortunate investment decisions that allowed me to climb out of poverty, it might be trivial sum for most people out there but it was a lot to me. Lately I get feelings of being an orphan, just out there on my own and not having my own people to share things with or support in life.

My wife is startled sometimes when I react as I do, she doesn’t understand where it comes from. I have forgetfulness and emotional regulation issues. But she is a nice person and helps me out.

I worry about money and the future all the time.

I would like to thank my mom and God for everything, and Jensen Huang. Will delete this later.

Sorry for poor punctuation and english.