Comment by yard2010

Comment by yard2010 4 days ago

6 replies

I think that trademark has to go with a specific product. Like there's Apple computers and the other Apple. Or is it Macintosh? I can't remember

DragonStrength 4 days ago

Famously, Apple the computer company has been sued by Apple the music company many times since its founding, usually when Apple Inc. adds or releases new music-related features.

  • soco 4 days ago

    probably less famously Apple the computer company sued recently a 110-years old Swiss farmers association over using the image of an apple

  • MichaelZuo 4 days ago

    This was settled in 2007?

    With Apple the computer company giving a huge payment to Apple the music company in exchange for all of their trademarks.

  • pseingatl 4 days ago

    And don't forget MacInstosh stereos and amplifiers.

    • smolder 4 days ago

      That's actually spelled McIntosh, which is different enough, I suppose.