Comment by galivanter

Comment by galivanter 4 days ago

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ACE 10, currently in my late 30s. Severe clinical depression and anxiety throughout life, many associated issues around that. Psychopath father, borderline mother. Alcohol and drug issues. Siblings have not fared well and have life outcomes that follow what you would expect. These sort of experiences destroy lives before they begin.

Have faced serious issues with dissociation, and have complex PTSD. Still working on it, it's not a smooth ride but have made progress. Had a lot of issues to work on and have changed significantly over the years. There have been highs and lows.

I've managed to have some success with relationships and life goals in spite of it. With the right support, time, and considerable effort things are improving.

I think a lot of people here have similar experiences. Intelligence is a protective factor that gives you the ability to skip your life script, but it's a difficult journey. The only people I know who suffered severe childhood trauma and recovered are above average intelligence.

Autism, ADHD, and a staggering range of other mental and physical issues have causal links with childhood trauma. For many kids, a diagnosis of ADHD is a nice way of saying "your home environment is abusive and illegal, but saying that is problematic. You live in a hellhole and for some reason can't pay attention. Here's a pill."