calpaterson 4 days ago

Speaking of - I'm organising a coffee morning for HN readers here in Helsinki. Get in touch (email in my profile) if you want to come along

dustincoates 4 days ago

The same thing with job titles happens in France, too.

Also, back when tech meetups were more common, you would often have where the title and description were in English, and the talks in French.

  • archi42 4 days ago

    Not only tech... I live close to the French border. My wife asked me to go to some criminal dinner event thing in France, and all the leaflets and the website were English. Great! Checking out the details, a small remark in a table with the dates and such catches my eye "Language: French". Well, maybe that's the French date,... Nope, that's for all scheduled events. Kthxbye. At least we were not surprised on site, because my French c'est no bene.

pvaldes 4 days ago

People spent more time reading your job offer if is explained in their own language. Less friction, more eyeball time, that is what you want if you are a recruiter.

  • euroderf 4 days ago

    Oh, sure. It's not the Finnish body text that throws ya off. It's seeing that after the big, bold English job title !