Comment by dusted

Comment by dusted 4 days ago

1 reply

ACE 0, iq 125, never qualified as gifted beyond teachers and others saying "you're smart! you just need to apply yourself!"

Talking with wife and mother about my childhood made me understand that I've had untreated adhd (got diagnosed only recently, in my late 30s, now in the process of seeing if I'm also on the autism spectrum).

Life seen from the outside looks fairly okay, educated, employed, wife, kid, 3 homes, 2 cars, no mortgage.

From the inside: depressed and chaotic, self hatred, lethargic, I can't ever remember wanting to be here, and always finding external reasons to stay, first I didn't want my parents to get sad, now I don't want to fail my wife and kid. But so far, this life has been for others, no myself. I'm not suicidal, I just don't find it particularity thrilling to be alive, it seems like a lot of trouble for very little reward.

So in short, I'm not satisfied with my life, and it's not really depending on external factors, just the way my brain is wired.

I remember in particular an episode where I was 5 or 6 years old and I asked my dad, "why are we even alive? what's the point?" he got mad (I concluded at the time, because he didn't know either, but in retrospect, might have been because it might have sounded like a dark or provocative thing to ask for, but it was an honest question).

lnsru 4 days ago

I am pretty sure, you can find some activity that brings you joy. Looks like you’re doing financially well and can choose everything between carpentry and private pilot license. Be egoistic and selfish! After getting nice fast car I realized, that I unexpectedly like cars. Next thing is doing a license for a boat. Twin engine motorboat is also very nice.