Comment by mykowebhn

Comment by mykowebhn 4 days ago

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Most of my life, until recently, I've suffered from anxiety and anger issues. I've also suffered from depression for several decades, but that luckily ended about 15 years ago. I'm 54 now.

I've changed jobs and careers many times (that's part of our profession, but I also think it's due to my trauma), I'm twice married, I don't really have many friends (although in my older age I'm realizing I like my alone time).

And yet, I am now very satisfied with my life, although this hasn't always been the case. I retired early, I have an amazing wife, and two incredible dogs. The key for me was to work extremely hard on healing myself with therapy (this took years and lots of money), never give up, try different things if something didn't work, and to not be afraid of going out of my comfort zone. Also, having another life that depends on me, like pets, really helped to get me out of focusing on my troubles and also helped to put things into perpective.

This is definitely not for everyone, but it worked for me.