Comment by ecaradec

Comment by ecaradec 4 days ago

6 replies

Is there an text editor that is able to autocomplete the categories in hledger format ? It would be great to type Assets:: and then get a list of the possible categories, but I haven't found any editor or extension that does it.

freddie_mercury 4 days ago

People have written extensions for every editor. I've used in Emacs, vi, atom, and vscode.

  • ecaradec 4 days ago

    vscode has some code coloring extension but no code completion that I'm aware of. If you found one, please consider sharing it :). I would happily switch to another editor if one has a extension that autocomplete categories.

djhworld 4 days ago

I use beancount in emacs using the beancount extension which does autocomplete, and I’ve added some of my own elisp tricks to make navigating around the file easier.

It’s actually the only thing I use emacs for.

rmuratov 3 days ago

A VS Code extension for ledger-cli provide autocomplete as long as your journal compatible with ledger-cli