Comment by khazhoux

Comment by khazhoux 4 days ago

2 replies

The number of people who would cry at my death is ~13 (immediate family including in-laws). Within that, the number of people who would be deeply affected is 5 (kids, spouse, parents). Aside from them, the number of people who would think "wow, weird" on hearing of my death is maybe a couple dozen, and the number within that who would think of me for >20 seconds more than a year from my death is probably less than half dozen.

It doesn't bother me that these numbers are "small."

passion__desire 4 days ago

We have limited familial / personal attention and care to give to others. Either you could spread it thin by becoming a big leader but no personal depth among fans. Or you could increase depth among very few near and dear.

  • eru 3 days ago

    Not everyone reaches that limit.