Comment by mtnGoat

Comment by mtnGoat 4 days ago

2 replies

My score was 7.

I have ADHD, autism, and dyslexia, but luckily a >140 iq on a good day. I’ve suffered from depression at times, was incarcerated as a juvenile and an adult. Had a physical and mentally abusive father. I was also a convicted felon at 15/16 and again at 18 years old. Was an alcoholic before being legally allowed to drink. The list goes on.

That said life is great, I’ve exceeded all expectations my parents, family and educators had for me(the bar was low). I own my home, happily married and raising a daughter. I work at a FANG company and have a pretty decent net worth. Have traveled to almost 40 countries and feel like I add value to the world on most days. I even serve on the board of a non profit.

I would never say these things made my life any easier by any stretch but I learned to cope and it made me a “strong” person, in that I have confidence I can overcome just about anything and I don’t really fear much of anything that life can throw at me.

The one thing that’s crippling at times, being through all that with a photographic memory. Closing my eyes to go to sleep at night is hard… every single day.

rangestransform 3 days ago

how much difficulty did the adult incarceration cause during your travels?

  • mtnGoat 2 days ago

    None actually, it’s cannabis related.

    In fact the only time it’s been an issue was living in Texas, that state really embrasses discrimination against people with criminal records.