Comment by wincy

Comment by wincy 4 days ago

4 replies

ACE score of 8. I’m happy, live a life I find deeply meaningful and fulfilling, don’t suffer from any depression, I have a wife and two kids. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. My teens and 20s were really rough, I spent a lot of time ruminating and just being a sourpuss. But I mostly knew I didn’t want to be like the people I’d been surrounded by when I was a kid. I got over it and stopped worrying about it so much. I’m lucky I found a good wife, we’ve talked for probably thousands of hours about our childhoods and worked out a lot of stuff. I feel like I’m continually improving. I just don’t worry too much, in my 20s I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression but those are basically non existent now.

The thing I purposely try to avoid when starting a new job is talking about my upbringing and background too early. I didn’t tell people at my current job my youngest daughter is in a wheelchair until about three months in. I let people form their judgments from how effective I am at work, then reveal more about my personal life. That first impression is so important. If people think you’re damaged goods from the get go you’ll get their pity, which is not what you want. You want their respect. Pity in a workplace means career death.

I’ve started riding my bike regularly which seems to have a very similar effect to taking Adderall. I use super bright lights in my home office during the winter. Home cooked meals improve my overall mood by leaps and bounds.

Nevermark 4 days ago

> I use super bright lights in my home office during the winter.

I started by bouncing several shop lights off the ceiling.

That was so effective, during a remodel I recessed long LED light strips hidden behind cove molding around the whole room perimeter, to do the same. My whole ceiling is the light. An indoor sky.

No glare, just a bright summer day, every day!

  • BirAdam 4 days ago

    Do you have a write up of how you did this?

    • aurizon 4 days ago

      Ali-express = cheapest, Amazon faster. They have long strips of LED lights, some one color, some various whites of whatever K you desire. Getting more complex there are several types of addressable chips and controllers to do this. Cheapest is white arrays of the white you like, typically 8 foot strips you attach as needed or buy the accessory attachment strips in 2 foot shippable lengths, in aluminum or plastic to make ceiling/edge/window lights as you wish. Costs range for $10-15 for each 8 foot length (addressable a bit more). Addressables are made on 3-4 different base chip types. youtube has detailed explanations and builds on the various chip families. I find occasional LED sales booths at the Rancho Cucamonga flea markets, and probably at all the larger ones, with full sales/demo setups you can buy then and there or get them online and save a little. Watch power supplies and look for proper UL/approved wall warts - many are fake UL, so check for isolation between +/- and both AC line prongs as the fakes UL often lack isolation and 2 different ones 'can' have full AC on different prongs and a shock hazard might exist -be wary. 12 volts is the common voltage used and if you use USA made wallwarts you can avoid these risks.

ehnto 4 days ago

To your point about first impressions, I appreciate hearing a similar outlook about such circumstances.

I have pretty severe scarring from a thing I am afflicted with, and it's very noticeable. I will often cover them up for the first few months. I am not shy about them at all, I do everything else with them visible. Shopping, gym, out with friends etc. But I gain nothing from that in the workplace, and stand to lose face in certain scenarios in the early phases.

Dating is different, all visible, all cards out on the table. If that detail about me would cause issues for them I'd like to know ASAP.

Concur regarding the bike, it's as good as a nootropic.