Comment by benoau

Comment by benoau 4 days ago

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> In my mid 40s and have been having an increasing desiring for no particular reason to unpack some baggage.

ACE 6 for me.

40s is when it caught up with me, and of course kids exacerbated it for me too there was a lot of people and places I never wanted to see again, in fact when I met my wife I told her I was an orphan!

As I got older I started feeling genuinely alien to my coworkers, they are so happy and their parents loving and their upbringings wholesome. I just feel absolutely stunted by comparison, half-developed, half-grown. Weed helped me process a lot of my feelings and anger I guess, that's good enough for me but as Rambo says: "I’ve not changed. I just try to keep a lid on it".