Comment by dheera

Comment by dheera 4 days ago

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I drove myself too hard, survived 3 cardiac arrests, no longer interested in sacrificing my health, sleep, food, hobby time, mental health, and time spent with loved ones, and finding it extremely, extremely hard to find exciting opportunities that are compatible with this lifestyle.

I want to work on things I love working on, but 40 hours a week. I want to sleep 8 hours a day, cook 80% of my meals, and spend time in nature exercising. I also want to take 4-6 weeks of vacation a year and learn about other people and cultures. The whole "it doesn't feel like work" thing that every single silicon valley founder who works 100 hours/week parade around is fucking annoying. It's annoying because I used to be egged on to be that person, and I almost died. Stop virtue signalling. (a) You will die early (b) You an ass to your family and you aren't even there for them while you're still alive