Comment by ehnto

Comment by ehnto 4 days ago

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> Feels like the pace of change and expectation you’ve mastered the latest and greatest is greater than it’s been in a long time. And give the job market it’s hard to fall behind.

I think it's important only to be aware new things, definitely not master. You may even only need to read an article or two on a new tool to grok its general use case and see if it actually offers anything new, or if is just a new flavour of the same old.

Maybe I am just a fast learner but I definitely see no value in learning every new tool outright. I keep an eye on it, but once you separate the wheat from the chaff there is really only one or two fundamental tools worth trying out every few months. Of those, maybe only one a year worth diving into.

The job market is whatever, you can't get meaningful experience on tools you don't use on projects anyway. So just do a week of afternoon deep dives before an interview and you'll be fine.