Comment by matheusmoreira

Comment by matheusmoreira 4 days ago

2 replies

Even something as simple as a single word can give away absurd amounts of information about us.

I used to be ashamed of my nationality and actively tried to hide it. I was very successful at it too, never had a single person identify me... Until I tried playing an MMORPG I used to play when I was a kid and was still learning English. Long story short, I misspelled the name of an item because of my childhood memories. Turns out that mistake was very specific to people of my country.

zo1 4 days ago

I once had my nationality "leak" just by the specific addition I chose when ordering a specific hamburger-like dish at a food-stall. Something akin to choosing to put mustard on a hot-dog kind of situation. The person looked at me, knew, got confused as I had a perfectly neutral and non-native accent, and then just had to ask to confirm their suspicion.

  • dewbrite 4 days ago

    Mayo with fries would be a German likeness. Very odd in the States.