Comment by alchemist1e9

Comment by alchemist1e9 5 days ago

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As a heavy ledger user these are great recipes in my opinion.

Since you’re here and clearly you know ledger well I’ll share a pattern I have that perhaps is a good idea or perhaps has an alternative approach.

We need to track customers and suppliers carefully and then assign payments both made and received to specific projects and categories within those projects. Invoices can contain a mix of these projects in either direction. So our workflow is:

- assign transactions to an account labeled by the counterparty when imported from bank account transactions.

- a script uses ledger print command and creates a 2nd journal file for each counterparty with a mirror transaction inverting the original transaction out of the counterparty account and into an Unknown project and Unknown category sub account as a place holder.

- transactions are then matched by bookkeeper to specific invoices and then assigned to Project:Category accounts in the counterparty journal file. transactions will be split if it’s needed at this point. so a single payment can be split to multiple Project:Category accounts.

- by including all bank transaction journals and all counterparty journals then ledger bal command show if all transactions have been processed by bookkeeping.