Comment by aij

Comment by aij 5 days ago

12 replies

Mickey was selling foods under that trademark in Paraguay since 1835. When did Disney start competing in that market segment with their Mickey Mouse brand?

kragen 5 days ago

well, 01935, not 01835. not a lot of paraguayan businesses from 01835 survive thanks to the war of the triple alliance

  • aij 5 days ago

    Ack, yes, I meant 1935. I'm on mobile and typoed that in a way the spell checker couldn't catch...

    Even now in the US I have yet to see Disney selling rice under the Mickey Mouse brand in a way that could be at all confused with the Mickey rice in Paraguay that I grew up with.

  • klyrs 5 days ago

    Neither 8 nor 9 are valid octal digits, please stop that

    • darthoctopus 4 days ago

      This is valid (if somewhat obscure) notation for decimal dates in particular, see e.g.

      • dpassens 4 days ago

        It's a stupid notation:

        > the foundation uses 5-digit dates to address the Year 10,000 problem

        That just sets you up for the year 100,000 problem. The objectively better idea is to just parse years as regular integers, something that I'm confident people will figure out in the remaining 8 millennia until the problem actually hits.

      • everybodyknows 4 days ago

        How does promotion by a single non-profit talking shop, however celebrated or intellectual were its founders, make it a "valid notation"?

        Five digits don't even make sense in practical anthropic terms, since we're obviously headed for a shitload of trouble long before the hundreds digit next wraps.

        • klyrs 4 days ago

          Indeed, my joke was written with the full knowledge of this farce. To make any prediction about technology in use 8000 years from now is just silly.

  • tangus 4 days ago

    To add some context as to why businesses wouldn't survive it, that war happened between 00001864 and 00001870, and wiped more than 00000050% of the male population (estimates vary).