Comment by theshackleford

Comment by theshackleford 4 days ago

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Ace score of 8. Outside of medical things outside of my control, relatively ok I guess. I have responses to things and a perspective on life shared by almost nobody I meet, which can make things a bit harder, more so it leaves me feeling out of place because I know the world and the individuals in it in a very different way that most never will.

I was surrounded significantly by organised crime growing up, and big parts of it, and the people involved were normalised to me. Sometimes I will speak of things I encountered or endured growing up, and people become visibily uncomfortable. I often forget that it's very confronting for others, because for me, it was so normalised, it's just a part of who I am, even today.

For instance recently a group I was in asked us to recount some experiences we had at a certain time and place, and they specifically asked about crime.

Turns out that didnt mean "tell us about how you had your head ripped open in multiple places with a steering lock and were left for dead on the street" because that's a story normies can't really gel with. Recounting such stories can cause people to look at you in a very different way following it.