Comment by throaway89

Comment by throaway89 4 days ago

1 reply

My score was 3, which isn't indicative of a overly rough life. But I was a gifted kid, reading at 3, straight A's all the way through University. Always had bad emotional problems though. Turned into a really bad porn/sex addiction. It's currently ruining my life and health and Im going to SMART meetings because SAA wasnt helpful for me. 35 and not very much to my name. Mental health issues have haunted me my whole life, and the same goes for my parents.

I've been diagnosed with a few things, but none very concretely other than dysthymia and general anxiety disorder. My mom has adhd, and her sisters have schizophrenia. Also my niece was diagnosed with autism. She thinks I have Adhd but I can't really tell whats what until my sex issues are through.