Comment by wkat4242

Comment by wkat4242 5 days ago

4 replies

Yeah and some of the other prompts were misspelled and of doubtful use:

> In order to make the draft response nicer and complete, a set of question [sic] and its answer are provided," reads one prompt. "Please write a concise and natural reply by modify [sic] the draft response," it continues.

This really sounds like a placeholder made up by one engineer until a more qualified team sits down and defines it.

astrange 4 days ago

That's not a big problem since it will understand it, and if they already fine tuned the model to work with that prompt it'd get harder to change.

  • wkat4242 4 days ago

    I just don't think Apple would release something like this. They're the company that laser engraves their screws because of their attention to detail.

    • NavinF 4 days ago

      Which apple screws are laser engraved?

      • wkat4242 4 days ago

        The ones on the MacBook Pro used to be. At least were when I still used Apple until 2015 or so.

        The butterfly keyboards were unusable to me and also the OS got too locked down so I left the platform.