Comment by latexr

Comment by latexr 5 days ago

4 replies

It’s the older version where there’s no division between the sclera (white of eye) and the rest of the skull:

Compare to later versions, where the eyes are well defined:

In recent years, Disney has been using the old version from Steamboat Willie at the start of movies:

And even making new shorts with that style:

swayvil 5 days ago

The new shorts. It's some kind of Lovecraftian mockery.

  • bongodongobob 5 days ago

    Yeah, those really are awful. Ren and Stimpyified but made for the modern 3 second attention span.

PhasmaFelis 4 days ago

I thought "pie-eyed" was specifically where there's a triangular "shine"/cutout from the black pupil, like a pie with one slice removed. Your first example has solid black eyes.

mrighele 4 days ago

Oh boy.

While the art is similar, the animation is quite different (in a very bad way). They are also completely unfunny.

(* goes back to watch old hand-animated episodes of Tom&Jerry and Wile E. Coyote *)