Comment by bebna

Comment by bebna 4 days ago

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7, basically was cut of from the last family member last year I had hopes in for over a decade after helping her to get back up, that cost me dearly in my career and private social life.

I pulled myself back up these year, don't have any holes in my CV and still have a job that pays enough so that I can put stuff aside. Which I'm taking as a win.

I do have some friends left that I can trust, which I take as a win.

Currently don't have a partner, but at least I not only recovered from the last break up, but I also got something slowly brewing that could become something or atleast another good friend. Taking that as a win.

Middle aged and most health problems are manageable or in progress about getting better. Taking this as a neutral.

Could have been in a much better space in life if specific people wouldn't have maliciously against me and I wouldn't have taken the risk on the one member I mentioned already. But I also could easily be, and see others, even some of my friends, in worse places.

So I think, I did quite alright.