Comment by ddingus

Comment by ddingus 4 days ago

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Alternatives include:

Take the next few Fridays or Mondays off

Look through your workload and slow walk anything that won't result in a significant impact

Delegate some work, if you are able

Get help with some work, if you are able

Change your schedule to maximize how you feel during off time

Sort your workload into reasonable daily work and get it done a bit early so you can manage your pace and avoid potential burnout.

If you are in your first four decades of life and especially if you are in your third or even second, feeling tired after work should be raising alarm bells!!

Fix that. It may be medical, diet, significant others, financial, work environment, whatever.

What is causing it is only important in that you need to know why you are how you currently are.

Then address it no matter what the cost.

If you do not, you risk doing yourself real harm.

Peace, no judgment, live well.