Comment by jggonz

Comment by jggonz 4 days ago

1 reply

I find this test interesting because I received an ACE score of 1, but I'm the oldest child in my household and I'm realizing that my siblings would probably score slightly higher than me... :-(

I moved out when I was around 20 before alcoholism and divorce destroyed the beautiful family dynamic that I grew up with.

This makes me want to try and understand the differences between myself and my siblings a bit more closely.

Cushman 4 days ago

As an also low ACE person with high ACE loved ones, I super encourage this!

With the serious caveat that ACE score isn’t a great predictor for individuals: if your siblings have ACEs >=3, it’s entirely plausible that that trauma explains none, some, or all of the differences you’re referring to.

(If, like me, you grew up thinking socioeconomic status was the gold star predictor of cohort health, the past couple of decades of research here are pretty shocking!)