codetrotter 4 days ago

The uptimed package they told you to install also exists on for example FreeBSD. And from the table it looks to be available on platforms like aarch64 (64-bit ARM), and powerpc too. (Unsurprisingly, given the very straightforward-to-implement thing it does.)

So to answer your statement: No, and no.

And all the program does is keep track of the highest uptime your system has ever had. And the website takes these records from users, and presents the submitted data online.

I dont think the website is even made by the same people, probably. for the uptime max stuff that runs on your machine, and all this website asks you to do is to submit your high scores from that other tool.

  • johnklos 4 days ago

    Thank you. This makes much more sense.

    Whoever made that page should've had some better information.