Comment by taurath

Comment by taurath 5 days ago

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ACE is 7. Done more in the social realm and have a lot of friends and close relationships. Prioritized life stability in work over my 20s and early 30s to decent but not overwhelming success by self-teaching coding, but all of it started to unravel and I had to take years off from work to work on trauma, which really decimated my savings, but gave me a new lease on life and I feel like a lot of my traumas are processed now and I can live a real life. I spent most of my 20s remembering maybe a dozen total events from before I was in high school.

I’m currently looking to come back to work after 3 years off which is feeling extremely difficult. Places I apply obviously don’t want to know what I’ve been through, and so I have to fight the assumption that I didn’t have a job because of competence. Nearly went on long term disability but found it so onerous and restrictive I’d have rather died.

Just want to work again at this point so I can have a hope of not retiring poor - I never once expected to live this long.